Gus and I had countless similarities. That enabled us to find a sense of comfort with each other very quickly. It felt as if I knew him for years prior to meeting him.
We had differences, but that only made our bond stronger. We respected our individualisms and brought out the best in each other creatively.
We started making music in our bedrooms, using only the internet to teach us everything we needed to know.
The songs we made helped us cope with our anxieties, depression, and all the societal pressures that weighed heavy on us.
Oftentimes we would talk about how we felt like outsiders in our own communities just because we were different--constantly being judged for not being a part of a cookie cutter society that demanded us to fall in line.
After a while it felt suffocating not being able to be yourself. Not being who you truly want to be.
Or in our case.. What we were destined to be.
Music seemed to be our only way out, and that turned out to be true..
Cocaine shawty
“Cocaine Shawty” was made in Denver, Colorado in a friend's home that we were occupying.
It was a hub for us to really lock in and experiment with new sounds and styles, after we had hit it off so well through social media and our mutual appreciation of each other's music.
Gus purchased a one way ticket from Long Island, New York to Denver, CO spontaneously!
We were there for almost 5 to 6 weeks, doing local shows and shooting videos practically everyday.
We had made music before through email but never in person until Denver.
It was really exciting making a song with Gus in real life--from the ground up--for the first time.
We recorded “Coke” in Los Angeles, California.
We were in Gus’s Echo Park apartment. It was mid day if I remember correctly, and it was blazing hot outside.
We were in the living room listening to a few samples, and we finally came across a RHCP song that really stood out to us...
We sampled the opening guitar chords, added our own production, and made what you are hearing today.
This was around the time Gus released “Hellboy”
“Lick” is an unreleased song that was conceived in London.
We had had enough of the hectic LA lifestyle and decided to leave. Gus bought two one way tickets to London and we were off. That was his style.
He was a very spontaneous guy..
I’m not discounting the rest of our experience together, but this was a very crazy time. Gus was under an overwhelming amount of stress coming from all sides..
Management, past relationships, and other things involving people he thought were his “friends.”
He and I were both coping with a reality that felt like it wasn't ours.
Partying did very little in the grand scheme of things..
But it helped us cope for the time being.
Even if the time being was considered miniscule.
By the time we recorded Lick we were on a bender... This song is a proper reflection of what we were feeling at the time--frustration and a desire to break free from the things that were holding us back. You could hear it in our voices..
We had a bone to pick and it was with the world...
Yung Goth
Note from Liza:
I learned about Yung Goth in August of 2016. Gus was just about to move into the Echo Park apartment. He told me Yung Goth would be living with him:
Gus lived with Yung Goth for many months--in Denver, Pasadena, Skid Row, Echo Park, and London (briefly). Throughout that time, Gus only said positive things about him to me and our family. In fact, when Gus was home in September, 2016, he bought a monogrammed stuffed unicorn, and gave directions for me to mail it so Yung Goth would receive it. Goth was an integral part of Gus's life. It was clear Gus cared very much for him. I am glad to be able to release this three-track EP that shows the beginning, middle, and last part of their collaboration and friendship.