About Gus

Mowgli Miles

Mowgli Miles

About a week ago, I learned that a young man named Mowgli Miles had died.  He died suddenly in December, and the news was posted on the Lil Peep Reddit page. My heart sank.  I was struck by the kindness and tenderness Mowgli had shown over the years since my own son, Gus, died in 2017. We have lost someone dear.  I feel the weight of his death deeply. We have lost him, but we will hold him in our hearts.  We will celebrate his achievements.  I will not forget Mowgli Miles.  He is someone to remember and to be proud of.

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Gus's Writing

Gus's Writing

So, as a little kid, Gus got to experience the pleasure of writing freely. I have all of his written work from the first grade, as well as his early writing from Pre-K and Kindergarten.  It is interesting to analyze Gus’s early written work with all his other writing to think about as well.  I see patterns in his writing.  From the moment he began writing, as a child, until the day he died, Gus mixed reality with make-believe to express his feelings whether they were playful or sad.

What stands out the most to me when I read Gus’s early stories is how so many of them are evocative in the same way that his lyrics are. 

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Songs We Used to Sing, Listen to, and Read

Songs We Used to Sing, Listen to, and Read

Gus was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. We lived at 2625 Liberty St. which was right across the street from Muhlenberg College where Gus’s father worked. The house was owned by the College. The rent was cheap because we contracted to entertain students monthly with a movie night and discussion.

We had one car. It was a 1992 Nissan Sentra that my mother had bought for us brand new. Johan could walk to work, while I had the car for errands and the kids.
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Gus and School: for the Record

Gus and School: for the Record

This is written to set the record straight.  The Wikipedia page sites interviews.  Unfortunately--for the record--not all of Gus's published interviews were historically accurate.  He did not complete high school on-line.  He completed a semester of college on-line.  This entry is to set the record straight about his schooling.  There will be other posts to set the record straight about other inaccurately detailed parts of Gus's life. Perhaps the Wikipedia authors will read this.
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Gus's Shoes

Gus's Shoes

Gus loved shoes.  He began to show an interest in “cool shoes” around fourth or fifth grade.  One of the first observable instances of Gus’s keen fascination with shoes was the moment he commented on his grandmother’s black Converse All-Stars.  They were high-tops.  He told her he liked them.  She gave them to him.  And so it began.

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Gus's Friend and Tattoo Artist--Dana Vargas

Gus's Friend and Tattoo Artist--Dana Vargas

Gus and Dana had fun working on tattoo ideas together.  He enjoyed having little images filled in here and there, in between the bigger images.  He loved getting tattoos.  For some reason, Gus had Emma photograph nearly every tattoo he had—up until he left to begin performing with Schemaposse in February, 2016.  For that reason, I can show you Gus’s tattoos in detail here.
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